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call_out - delayed function call in same object


int call_out( string | function fun, int | float delay, mixed arg ... );


Schedule a future call of function <fun> in this_object(). The call will
take place in <delay> seconds, with each of the arguments <arg> provided.
<arg> can be of any type.

If the gametick in the runtime config is less than 1000, you may specify
a <delay> as a float in milliseconds (gametick / 1000) representing a
value that is divisible by the gametick. A <delay> which is not equally
divisible by the gametick value will be rounded up to the next game tick.
A <delay> of 0 is special, see below.

For example, if your gametick is set to 250ms in the runtime config,
you may perform callouts with a granularity of a quarter of a second.
call_out( "function", 0.75 ) will execute the <fun> in 3 game ticks
(750 milliseconds), thereby affording more precision over timing
when calling out.

A <delay> of 0 (or 0.0), will perform <fun> on the same gametick in which
it was called after all previous call_outs have been executed. The number
of call_outs(0)s which may be executed on the same gametick may be
configured via the "call_out(0) nest level" property in the runtime config.

Please note that you can't rely on write() or say() in <fun> since
this_player() is set to 0. Use tell_object() instead.

The runtime config value "this_player in call_out" exists to remedy the
above problem.

The return value is an integer representing the handle of the call_out
which may be used as an argument to remove_call_out().


remove_call_out, call_out_info, call_out_walltime