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db_connect() - close the database connection


int db_connect( string host, string db );
int db_connect( string host, string db, string user );
int db_connect( string  host, string db, string user, int type );


Creates  a  new  connection  to the database db on the given host.  The
connection uses either the given user or a compile time value as  login
id.  type may be used to choose the type of database server. Valid val‐
ues depend on compile time settings should be made available through  a
corresponding header file within the mudlib.

Returns a handle to the new connection on success, 0 otherwise

Driver will call master object's valid_database function to reterive
password for this database (string) or approvals (positive intgeter).

FlufFOS supports MYSQL, SQLITE3 and PostgreSQL.

When compiling driver, you need to pass -DPACKAGE_DB=ON and
 and you should also pass -DPACKAGE_DB_DEFAULT_DB=X which should be one
 of the value above. If one value is an empty string, the driver support for
 that DB is disabled.

 X here means an integer representing the "type" parameter in db_connect().

 Driver prvoides following pre-defines constant to lib for DB types.

__USE_MYSQL__   is what -DPACKAGE_DB_MYSQL=<value> is, default to be 1
__USE_SQLITE3__ is what -DPACKAGE_DB_SQLITE=<value> is, default to be not defined.
__USE_POSTGRE__ is what -DPACKAGE_DB_POSTGRESQL=<value> is, default to be not defined.
__DEFAULT_DB__  is what -DPACKAGE_DB_DEFAULT_DB=<value> is, default to be 1


db_close(3), db_status(3), valid_database(4)