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'buffer' is a cross between the LPC array type and the LPC string type.
'buffer' is intended as a way to conveniently manipulate binary data.
'buffer' is not zero-terminated (that is, it has an associated length). A 'buffer' is an array of bytes that is implemented using one byte per element. buf[i] = x and x = buf[i] are allowed and do work. sizeof(buf) works. bufferp(buf) is available. buf[i..j] should work as well. buff = read_buffer(file_name, ...) (same args as read_bytes). also 'int write_buffer(string file, int start, mixed source)', buf = buf1 + buf2; buf += buf1, buf = allocate_buffer(size). The socket efuns have been modified to accept and return the 'buffer' type. (STREAM_BINARY (3) and DATAGRAM_BINARY (4) modes.)